Some books define leadership for us, Janet’s story gives readers the imaginative experience of leadership on a successful mission.
Little Is Much When God Is In It.
In early 2002, an accountant told Janet Chihocky that her company was in such dire financial straits that she had no choice but to file for bankruptcy. A go-getter from an early age, Janet had been blessed with unlikely and amazing professional opportunities, the best mentors and a willingness to work hard and never give up. Until now. Would her mistakes and failures suddenly bring it all to an end? Or could she trust—despite the experts’ advice and mounting evidence to the contrary—that God had a different plan for her?
Everyone faces their own Chapter 11 moment…bankruptcy, job loss, a devastating medical diagnosis, a troubled child. These moments of adversity often take us to the bottom—a dark place that can be frightening and life-altering. Janet’s story shows that in moments of loss, despair, betrayal and temptation, individuals can discover transformation, renewal and purpose.
Even when staring up at what seems like an impossible mountain, there is always more than one way forward. The question is: Whose voice are you going to trust?
Praise for Facing Chapter 11
“Janet has made her unique story applicable to both women and men who want to take risks, insist on doing what is right and persevere, against any and all odds, in the pursuit of their greater purpose in life. Her book is captivating and a must-read for anyone who believes they were made for more.”
– General (Retired) Ann Dunwoody, the first female four-star general of the U.S. Armed Forces and author of A Higher Standard
“While we read some books to define leadership for us, Janet’s story gives readers the imaginative experience of leadership on a successful mission.”
– Janet Greco, Ph.D., senior lecturer at Wharton Executive Education, University of Pennsylvania
“An inspiring story of how trusting God and refusing to give up allowed Him to be glorified.”
– Jeff McCormack, Cru Military, National Capital Region
About the Author
Janet Chihocky is the founder and CEO of JANSON, successful communication, branding, and analytics firm in Manassas, Virginia. Even as her career as a communications professional and small business owner has risen rapidly, fallen dramatically and then risen again to unparalleled success, she has leaned heavily on her faith in Christ and tried to seek His provision and guidance at each and every turn. Janet is a much sought-after speaker on such topics as brand positioning, market intelligence, and strategic communications and serves as an advisor to both military leaders and civilian executives.
Learn more about Janet on her website:
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