The Divine Appointment Outreach is based on a recently released book entitled The Divine Appointment.
1,000,000 Homes for Christ
I am challenging all of my pastor friends to help me reach 1,000,000 homes with this witnessing tool.
Your people will be challenged to reach their neighbors and families in your church community with a 64 page booklet that not only teaches that everyone will one day stand before the Judge of all the Universe for their divine appointment, but shows them how to be ready. The booklet is entitled Are You Ready for Your Divine Appointment?
Here is How it works…
1,500 booklets with personalized back cover – $1.25 per booklet ($1,875)
3,000 – 5 K booklets with personalized back cover – $.95 per booklet (2,850-$4,750)
10,000 + booklets with personalized back cover – $.75 per booklet ($7,500 +)
The Divine Appointment Outreach…
Coming soon will be website. Call me today at 817-494-6439 or email me at

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