Dr. Leonard Coldwell is brilliant, brave, innovative and creative.
Dr. Crone’s Medical Journal # 187: The Institute for Medical Statistics concluded and published, “Our research shows that Dr. Leonard Coldwell worked with over 35,000 patients with cancer and other terminal diseases, and it is our conclusion that he has the highest cancer cure rate of all researched therapists in the World—His success rate with cancer patients, that had no orthodox medical treatment before using Dr. Coldwell’s system, is 92.3%” The Berlin Health Institute conducted two clinical studies and came to a similar conclusion in the effectiveness of the Instinct Based Medicine® System. Their conclusion was also that: NPL, Hypnotism, Meditation and other techniques do not have even 10% of the effectiveness of Dr. Leonard Coldwell’s Instinct Based Medicine® System (for the purposes of easier reading from now on Dr. Leonard Coldwell’s Instinct Based Medicine® System will be called, IBMS™ Stress Reduction System). Our studies concluded that the 20 minute IBMS™ stress reduction sessions equal the relaxation, regeneration and healing of a deep restful sleep of 7 to 8 hours. Use the IBMS™ Stress Reduction System at least 3 times a week. For even better results, use it every day.
Remember, there is no magic pill, no magic healer, no secret treatment, herb or supplement that can cure you—but there is a much greater magic within each and every one of us: the love, energy, and strength—the unlimited power of healing and life itself. There is also the power of Nature and the power of God that creates miracles every single second of our lives. We just need to be willing to acknowledge and use, or even better, let them work for us in our body and over the entirety of our own life!
What Leaders Say
Dr. Leonard Coldwell is brilliant, brave, innovative and creative. Motivated by the devastation of cancer in his family, Dr. Coldwell set out to find the cure for cancer, and found it, curing his mother, then 35,000 people found him, and came away cured of their disease. –Rima E. Laibow, MD
Research in the USA and Australia reveals the five-year survival benefit to chemotherapy patients is 2%, that s a single week, for living in hell for five years! Orthodox medicine butchers, burns and poisons patient-victims and frequently shortens their lives. Meanwhile, their life savings are transferred to the medical establishment. Dr. Coldwell is a heroic pioneer who has delivered thousands from this fatal ordeal. This humanitarian’s vital book may save you or a loved one from a world of pain. Step out of the box and study it carefully for your own sake. –Dr. Betty Martini, D.Hum
About the Book
You are right if you think there are enough alternative or holistic heath books available today, and you may think, why do I need another one, my mailbox is full all the time anyway?
But this is not one of those typical alternative books that constantly repeat issues and print empty studies that only try to sell you products to make money. The Dr. Coldwell Report is different! Why? Just keep on reading, and you will see, why!
I wrote this book because friends of mine are equally fed up with the hypocrisy of the so-called medical profession and the incompetence and hocus pocus and often cowardliness of the so-called alternative medical practitioners. Many are nothing else then wannabe MD’s without the education. Many are so involved in the few things the government allows them to do that they think they have found the only key to health by practicing some kind of alternative and naturopathic treatments.
So here is the only truth and the clear answer to all these orthodox or alternative therapy forms: THEY DO NOT WORK AT ALL! The reason is that they all only treat symptoms instead of the individual cause of the health challenge. A true healer can only be a coach, and educator a friend and helper – Apart from God, there is no healing force outside the human body. The only Person that can make you sick is YOU, and the only person that can cure you is YOU! And that is the only truth in regards to permanent optimum health.
The root cause of all illness is a lack of energy which is usually the result of STRESS ( 86% ) usually mental and emotional stress and only 14% comes from nutritional deficiencies and negative behavioral patterns.
As long as you don’t accept that you are responsible for your own behavior and your own results, resulting from your decisions, actions, and nonactions you will not be able to get and stay healthy. You need to accept responsibility for your life, health, success and happiness.
Illness is not based on bad luck, genes or destiny. It is the result of our lack of education, motivation, and our complacency, laziness, cowardliness or ignorance in the field of health and life. It is the result of our mental, emotional and physical action.
If you can at least say: ” Maybe that could be true” then you are the reader I am writing my books, publications, and this newsletter, but if you believe your doctor, a magic pill or someone else can cure you of the symptoms of your own behavior you can stop reading here. I wish you all the best and good luck. Then all you need is the senseless and dangerous pharmaceutical advertisement from WebMD.
If you are willing to take charge over your own life, health and happiness and are willing to do whatever it takes, then you just made the first step into a new life a new world of health and happiness and success.
I won’t let you complain and whine or die in self-pity because no matter how much pain you have or how bad your symptoms are – I have probably been there too and I learned that if you don’t help yourself – there is no help. Stop complaining or blaming others or circumstances – just take charge and act!
Beginning with this article, you have the chance to stop hiding from the truth, stop letting fear, the past and self-pity keep you from acting. This is the day you can decide to stop letting others make the decisions for you and say: YES, THIS IS MY LIFE AND I AM TAKING CHARGE OF IT!
I learned in over 30 years of successfully working with mainly terminally ill patients that were given up by the medical profession often with the prognosis of having only month to live, that there is always hope. There is always a way as long as you don’t give up. The solution is: you need to do whatever it takes, you need to stand up one more time when life throws you down and you need to use your common sense and listen to your instinct.
I want to give you hope, strength, self-confidence and the belief in yourself and your own unlimited self-healing powers. I know how to do it! But remember, you are the only one that can use the information of true health, using your common sense and instinct to create the health you deserve. * (* of course I am not talking about emergency, reconstructive medicine. When I talk about illness and medical procedures in this publication I do not want you to wait to see a specialist if you have any medical emergency. I am talking about illness and disease created over time. )
Remember the medical doctor is the number one cause of death in America and more people are dying unnecessarily in hospitals, false diagnoses, wrong treatments or as the result of drugs and the side effects of treatments every day.
If you need surgery, ask at least 3 different people for their opinion, research the internet and talk to as many people as possible that had the same procedure or health challenge to be able to make your own educated decision. I am not saying that the medical doctors are all evil or want to harm anyone on purpose. The reason for the incompetence and chaos in the medical world is the result of false or ineffective education and manipulation from the pharmaceutical industry but very often also the restrictions or interference of the government. Most Physicians start out with a lot of ambition, hope, and good intentions but when the reality kicks in they have bills to pay physicians, find out what they learned in medical school does not really work. This is the point where they have to make a decision: to throw everything away that they have invested in; their education, money, time etc. and quit their job ( because they are by law bound to use only the government regulated treatments that makes money for the pharmaceutical and medical industry ) or they lose their license or even go to jail. For example in most if not all states a medical doctor is required to apply chemotherapy, radiation therapy and surgery to every cancer patient. Fact is: chemo or radiation therapy causes cancer and surgery often lets cancer explode.
Vaccination is in my personal opinion an: ASSAULT WITH A DEADLY WEAPON! And as far as I know there has never been an effective and safe vaccine. Poisoning young girls with an unproven untested and extremely dangerous vaccine for HPV by telling them it will prevent cervical cancer is in my eyes a major fraud and to make this toxic vaccine, with unbelievable side effects, mandatory is in my understanding, my opinion and belief: conspiracy to do harm for profit and power. It sounds like conspiracy to me. I am not a lawyer so I hope someone with more legal experience and education will pursue some lawsuits against the individuals that are responsible and not just against the agencies, offices etc. because they are protected. The individual person stepping out of his legal rights within his or her job can be personally held responsible as far as my legal advisers have told me.
Some stunning facts to make you think
Most people today don’t die of cancer anymore; they die due to the side effects of the treatments.
Milk is proven to be highly toxic, and soy could be even worse.
Medicine is about money, power, and control and if you don’t believe it, just wait until you are under ” treatment” for some time for a serious illness and I believe you will have to admit that I was right.
The medical profession has statistically a long-term cancer curing rate of 3%. In my personal experience over 27% of all cancer patients get well again without doing anything. Many experts say I have the highest cancer curing rate in Europe (93.2% base on research and publication of the Bad Nenndorf Medical Research Institute.) Most of their cancer surviving statistics are fraudulent anyway. They count everybody that survives the cancer for five years as cured even if the patient died one day after the five years and was horribly sick for the entire time.
I believe I could cure (or better said help them to cure themselves) every cancer patient within weeks if the patient is willing to do everything necessary and the government would allow me the legal platform to apply my knowledge without any restrictions and I would do it as a non-profit. I could resolve the health care cost crisis in America within 5 to 7 years – but who wants this? not the pharmaceutical companies that are making all the money from the suffering of people. Usually these companies have all the power to place people in government power positions to make sure that natural therapies, nutritional supplements etc will always be kept down or made illegal and there toxins are mandatory and available for legal use.
Why is the FTC or FDA capable of making it a law that only a drug can cure, treat or diagnose any disease instead of a natural or nutritional supplement. Only nature can heal, a chemical drug has not cured anyone and never will! So isn’t that strange that that is the law?
So my dear friends are you still with me? If yes I can promise you my book will change your life forever!
If you can handle the truth – I will give it to you! No empty words no politically correct statements. Just the truth about health and how to restore and keep it. Lets start a life long journey together.
If you can handle the truth about health, healing and the pharmaceutical and medical industry you just need to read my book: Instinct Based Medicine – How to survive your illness and your doctor. You will find all the answers and information you need to be able to protect yourself. If you’re ready to take charge of your own life, health and future, you will find all the information you need in my book.
The only answer to cancer will blow everyone’s’ mind.
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